Saturday, November 8, 2008

As we move into 2009 We are entering a new year and a new way to get our energy and a way to help the enviroment.Gas costs rising, food costs rising, housing rising , wages staying the same What to do what to do well I'll tell you what to do get yourself a homemade powerplant and make your own electricity thats what you should do. If you make you electricity yourself you can save$300-400 dollars every month why not? Thousands of people are doing it so can you. with a little investment and a lot of the right guidance you can do it too.

Frank Patrick is doing it and he can show you how it's done. Frank is an alternative energy master and has put together a set of plans to free you from your electric bill. Just think you wouldn't have to worry in a power outage now with a set of batteries with enough charge to keep your lights, furnace and your refridgerator on as well as your deep freeze. Theres a load off your mind right there

Alternative energy is here to stay and will put all of us on the right track. It's not as hard as you think it is especially if you have a guide that is easy to follow like Frank's. Simple to read plans that go in the smallest of steps to make things understandable even for the most mechanically challenged individual. Make your own electricity and live that much richer and cleaner.go to how to make your own electricity.

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