Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We need to go green

I mean why not, harness the sun to make your energy and eliminate the electric bill. These days it only makes sense because of our foreign dependence on oil and the enviromental concerns. We need to get away from being dependent on foreign oil and one way is to make our own electricity I mean individually more so than as a whole but if you can manage this by yourself you're set.
Solar power is obtained through the use of glass panels and wire coated with silicon these panels attract the heat of the sun and change the suns rays into energy via silicon and wire plus the other controls in the system.
Green power is here to stay ,theres no arguing that point now is there. With the prices of everyrthing where they're at . It only makes sense to do this not to mention the enviroment ,thats kind of the glue on the envelope wouldn't you say?
People all over the globe are doing this because they can and because they know it's the right thing to do. Oil prices could certainly go up again and then what else goes up? Everything does all over again and thats not going to be pretty. Milk, corn , meat, vegetables, gas, oil, electricity, insurance, clothing,you get the picture? Cutting out the electric only makes sense Yes theres a small investment but the return is endless plus think of the property value increase just because it's green energy.This is the new energy medium.The earth needs change to sustain for as long as time itself, using oil and gas will not last forever nor will the atmosphere. If we don't change our ways the earth will do it for us as we have already seen.
So;lar powered energy systems are simple, easy to build and maintain and nothing but good for the earth and good for the pocketbook. Frank Patrick has devoloped a system that will show you exactly how, step by step to set up a solar panel system and a windmill system to get your electricity from. You won't have to rely on the electric company anymore or worry about the electric bill either.We can't live the way we've been living so we need to change Get makeyourownelectricity to change to a better life. just go to electricity

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